9:30 am: Big firework clock and traditional parade.
Recorregut: Plaça Nova, av. de la Catedral, Dr. Joaquim Pou, Sagristans, Capellans, Arcs, Cucurulla, Boters, Palla, Plaça Sant Josep Oriol, Plaça del Pi, Cardenal Casañas, Roca, Portaferrissa, Petritxol, Plaça del Pi, (aturada per la Missa, es reprèn a les 11,30 h.) Plaça Sant Josep Oriol, Pi, Boters, Plaça Nova, Av. de la Catedral, Pla de la Seu, Santa Llúcia, Bisbe, (interior Palau Episcopal), Bisbe i plaça Nova.
 10 am: Craft fair (until 9 pm).
10: 30 am: Mass at the Basilica of the Pi, singing and blessing of the panellets.
12 am: Dance of honor at the Bishop’s palace.
12:15 am: Raising of the flag at the Bishop’s palace, floral offering to Saint Roc and Giants dance. Then, we can drink with Porró Llarg.
12:30 am: Sardanas with Cobla Ciutat de Cornellà.
1 pm: La Cucanya of Plaça Nova.
6 pm: Children’s festival: Puppets with the traditional Catalan Company Sebastián Verges, taking off of the Capità Munyón’s “hot air balloon”, delivery of awards of La Cucanya competition and the drawing contest and clown show with the group Pallassos l’Arlequí.
7:30 pm: La Cucanya of Plaça Nova.
8 pm: Traditional Catalan dances with Esbart Català de Dansaires with Cobla Ciutat de Cornellà.
10:15 pm Drummers concert with Percudium. 10:30 pm: Firework with the Barri Gòtic devils, the Arpella of Barri Gòtic and the Víbria of Barcelona. Parade through the neighborhood*.
11 pm: Fireworks.
* For your own safety during the firework parade, remember to wear: cotton clothes, long sleeves, long trousers, a big handkerchief or piece of clothes to protect your face, a hat, and flexible footwear that is closed to avoid any sparks coming in. Remember to protect your eyes and ears as well.